Another important aspect of grasslands is grazing ruminant pressure with nutrient cycles and soil that more bacterial dominated and less fungal. Take away the ruminants and succession to forest will occur if there is sufficient water.
Poorly managed livestock can degrade a landscape quickly. In contrast well managed livestock can bio-mimic the large herds, density, nutrient distribution and long rest periods that created the most fertile soils on the planet. Same animals, the difference is the management.
Another important aspect of grasslands is grazing ruminant pressure with nutrient cycles and soil that more bacterial dominated and less fungal. Take away the ruminants and succession to forest will occur if there is sufficient water.
Poorly managed livestock can degrade a landscape quickly. In contrast well managed livestock can bio-mimic the large herds, density, nutrient distribution and long rest periods that created the most fertile soils on the planet. Same animals, the difference is the management.
Thanks Steve, Hopefully in coming issues, I will do a piece on it.